Can I use online grammar checker on my tablet and smart phone?

Online grammar checker can be used on any device that is connected to the internet. It a free to use application and its usage is not limited to any particular type of hardware. Online grammar checker recognizes the fact that more and more users are using mobile devices for written communication and that’s why it’s available online. You don’t need to download and install and then use it. All that you need to do is to go to the site onlinegrammarchecker.org and submit your written document and press the ‘grammar check’ button. It will check the submitted document for grammar and spelling mistakes and if it finds any errors it will display them. It not only tells the user the mistakes they have made but also offers the correct suggestions. Now it’s up to the user to change the submitted document and incorporate the changes or to ignore them. Once the user has finished using the application and closes the window online grammar checker stops. Online grammar checker is an online application and does not consume any of the resources of the device on which it’s used. That makes it a very handy tool to use to check written documents. A user does not have to do any download and install nor does the user have to fill out any registration form. Online grammar checker is an application like so many popular applications as it does not consume device resources. Yes, what you do need to use it is a fast and stable internet connection. If the internet connection speed is slow – it will take longer to process the document. Online grammar checker has been designed keeping the changing dynamics of internet users and devices in mind. When you use it you don’t have to worry about any storage limitations of the device on which you are running the application.